Behind the establishment of Ekaterina Karavelova Foundation in 2016 is its executive director Marina Kisova de Geus, led by the belief that Bulgaria needs more confident women to lead the process of transformation of society. With this faith and dedication in 2017 she launched the first project of the foundation, aimed at girls in Northwestern Bulgaria. This is how the first supporter and current member of the Board Nora Stefanova was attracted.
This first project managed to show the two not only that they were on the right track, but also that their work was extremely necessary for many women around the country. This provoked them to continue more confidently, preparing training for civic participation for women in Plovdiv in 2018. Thus, the team was joined by Elena Lulcheva and Kirina Boykova, setting the beginning of the social format “SHE in Plovdiv”, which would later develop into the national network of SHE in Bulgaria at the foundation.
In 2019, Margarita Spasova joined the volunteer team of the foundation as the initiator of “SHE in Gabrovo” and subsequently played a key role in the development of the SHE in Bulgaria network.
The need for support and development of women in Bulgaria according to their needs was so palpable that the activities of Ekaterina Karavelova Foundation and its territorial scope have seriously expanded. The “SHE is ME” program and the personal development manual “A Guide to Yourself” have been created, the foundation has launched a large-scale sociological survey on women’s needs, it has started publishing positions and reports, as well as participating in working groups and partnerships. Under the leadership of Marina Kisova de Geus, in just 5 years the foundation has managed to develop sustainable activities in three main areas: “Community” through the social format “SHE in Bulgaria”, “Development” through the personal development program “SHE is ME” and “Policies” through its advocacy work.